find Howto
info find		vela zujimavych info
find . -name 'jak?b'	najde v suc dir jak?b
find . -mtime -1	najde v suc dir subory ktory boli modifikovane v 
predoslych 24 h (mtime, ctime, atime) modify (write) change (write+attrib set)
access (pristup read)
find . -ctime +8 -ctime -10 najde subory ktore boli menene v intervale (8;10) den
find . -name '*' -printf "%p\t%m\t%U\t%G\n" vytlaci menosuboru\tmode\tUID\tGUID
find / -user jakub	najde vsetky subory usera jakub v /
find / -uid 500 \( -path '/home/jakub' -prune -or -print \) najde vsetky subory uid 500 ale nebude hladat v /home/jakub
Celkom cool script na zbalenie html suborov
case $1 in
  find . -name '*.html' -exec gzip {} \;
  for i in `find . -name '*.html.gz'`
    echo $i
    mv -f $i `echo $i | sed -e 's/\.html\.gz/\.ghtml/'`
  for i in `find . -name '*.ghtml'`
    mv -f $i `echo $i | sed -e 's/\.ghtml/\.html\.gz/'`
  find . -name '*.html.gz' -exec gzip -d {} \;
  echo "Usage: $0 {1,0}"
  echo "Description: Gzip (gunzip) html files in current directory"
  exit 0

Find and types
find . -type f -- all regular files
find . -type d -- all directories
find . -type l -- all symlinks
for more see man

Find and permissions
find . -perm -ug=x -- all what has x for user AND group
find . -perm +ug=x -- all what has x for user OR group
the above line can be written as
find . -perm -u=x -or -perm -g=x

Using OR in statements
the above for regular files notice that we have to write type twice
find . -type f -perm -u=x -or -type f -perm -g=x
the same goes for AND -a NOT -not etc.

Yet another funny example

#this two are equal
#find / -type f -perm +ug=s -exec ls -l {} \;
#find / -type f -perm -4000 -exec ls -l '{}' ';' -or \
#-type f -perm -2000 -exec ls -l '{}' ';'

if [ -z $WHAT ] ;then

find $WHAT -type f -perm +ug=s -printf "%m " -exec ls -l {} \;

or watch this use in Makefiles - it deletes all regular files and symlinks in wd not of the selected names

	find . -not \( -iname '*.pl' -or -iname '*.c' -or -iname '*.h' -or -iname 'makefile' -or -name '..' -or -name '.' -or -iname '*.sh' \) \( -type f -or -type l \) -maxdepth 1 -print -exec rm {} \;