hg summary -> svn info
parent: 9707:248bfcafb5d1

now get stuff from the main tree
hg pull - updates stuff from repository

hg log - shows the repository log (hg log -M shows all but merges)

to review the changes against tip (tip is the same as HEAD in svn)

hg diff -wr tip .  (the .  is important otherwise it does the whole tree)

when satisfied run 
hg update (to obtain everything that you pulled)

To set a username
in ~/.hgrc
username = Firstname Lastname 

To ignore a file
create a file .hgignore in the root of your repository (same folder where .hg is) with following content
#ignore all pyc files

tips: the syntax is the same that would would work for find

1. hg pull
2. hg merge
2a. if conflicts resolve them manually and do hg resolve -m filename (or hg resolve -l to show unresolved files)
3. hg commit  (commit the merge)

robenie novej branch
hg branch zrychlenie
hg commit / push /pull ako normalne

prehadzovanie sa z branche do branche
hg update default     -  prepne do default
hg update zrychlenie  - prepne na branch zrychlenie

ukaze vsetky branches
hg branches

backportovanie do branche zrychlenie
hg update zrychlenie <- prepne nas do zrychlenia
hg merge default
hg commit -m 'spojene so zmenamy s hlavnej branch. merge. backport. sync.'

#teraz zmergni zrychlenie naspat do default
hg update default
hg merge zrychlenie
hg commit -m 'zrychlenie pripojene naspat do default'

#odmaz zrychlenie
hg up -C zrychlenie
hg commit --close-branch -m 'koniec zrychlenie - zavri ju'
hg up -C default

hg braches by malo ukazovat len default