nastartovanie x aplikacie od inokadial
netscape -d smaragd:0
alebo nastavenie premennej DISPLAY
export DISPLAY=:0.0
potom uz len

pridanie masiny na ktorej si potom mozno spustit xaplikaciu
xhost +urpin
xhost +local:

xhost -local:	zase odstrani pripojenie lokalnych uzivatelov na Xserver atd

Xterm z Polish-HOWTO
skterm name "Color-Term ISO2"
skterm exec "color-xterm -geometry 85x35+5+5 -ls -fn -adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--14-100-100-100-m-90-iso8859-2 &"
skterm group "Personal"

nastavenie oblubeneho prostredia v X-och v RH6.0
subor /etc/sysconfig/desktop
ja tam mam napisane AnotherLevel ale da sa tam napisat aj KDE alebo GNOME

uprava another level editovanie suborov v /etc/X11/AnotherLevel
napr zmena termu ktory sa startuje pri starte 
subor fvwmrc.init.m4

# StartupFunction only gets run at Init, not at Restart.
# It is run after SetupFunction, but before EndSetupFunction
AddToFunc "StartupFunction"
#+ "I" Exec XTERM +ut -geometry +PctOfScreenInPixelsX(15)+PctOfScreenInPixelsY(15)
#added by jakub 
+ "I" Exec XTERM -fg green -geometry 85x35+5+5 -ls -fn -biznet-courier-medium-r-normal--14-100-100-100-m-90-iso8859-2

Nastavenie nejakych defaultov pre X
klavesnica ci xhosts a tak
subor Xsession v /etc/X11/xdm zabera ale len na X startovane cez X

#by jakub
#hlupo skopirovane z ceskeho redhatu
if [ -f $sysxkbmap ]; then
    setxkbmap `cat $sysxkbmap`

#by jakub
xhost +local:
xhost +
xhost +
xhost +
xhost +

pre uplnost este subor /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/Xkbmap
-symbols 'czsk(us_sk_qwerty)' -compat group_led

treba este dodat ze /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit /etc/X11/xinit jedno jest

napr zmena menu v AnotherLevel-y

# This is for the Start menu of the FvwmTaskBar
#by jakub+ "&New shell MiniTitleIcon(sh1)"        	Exec  XTERM
+ "&New shell MiniTitleIcon(sh1)"        	Exec rxvt -fg green -geometry 85x35+5+5 -ls -fn -biznet-courier-medium-r-normal--14-100-100-100-m-90-iso8859-2
+ "&Programs MiniTitleIcon(penguin)"		Popup ROOT_MENU

moj .Xclients subor

# My Config File for X
#pridame hosty ktore daco mozu
xhost +local:
xhost +
xhost +
xhost +
xhost +
#Slovenska klavesnicka po stlaceni scroll_lock samozrejme
setxkbmap -symbols 'czsk(us_sk_qwerty)' -compat group_led
#nacitanie sys menu wmconfigom
wmconfig --output=fvwm2 --rootmenu=Programs > $HOME/.fvwm2rc.programs 2>/dev/null
#spustam win managera
exec fvwm2

moj subor

#config file for fvwm2

# Section: Various global settings

# DeskTopSize sets the size of the desktop in units of physical screen
# `pages'.  I prefer to use a single desktop with multiple pages,
# but many people like having multiple desktops.  I thinks its confusing.

DeskTopSize 3x3

# I don't like to be able to move between pages or desks simply by 
# moving the mouse against the screen border.  I find it very 
# confusing.  The following command disables it.

EdgeScroll 0 0

# When moving a window against the edge of the screen, it is
# nice to have a small resistance before the window is moved outside
# the screen.  This makes it easier to line windows against the
# edges.

EdgeResistance 0 100

# Section: Styles, colors, fonts, and related things

# This section defines the looks, behavior, and other attributes of windows.
# The following sets window colors.  This is highly personal,
# of course.

# Put the defaults in a separate decor so decor users can ignore them
DestroyDecor default-decor
AddToDecor default-decor
+ HilightColor white steelblue
+ WindowFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*

# The following sets the window decorations: the window title, borders,
# and the handles in the corners.

+ ButtonStyle Reset
+ ButtonStyle 2 Vector 16 20x20@1 30x20@1 50x40@1 70x20@1 80x20@1 80x30@0 60x50@0 80x80@0 70x80@0 50x60@0 30x80@0 20x80@0 20x70@0 40x50@1 20x30@0 20x20@1
+ ButtonStyle 4 Vector 5 25x25@1 25x75@1 75x75@0 75x25@0 25x25@1
+ ButtonStyle 6 Vector 2 80x76@0 20x76@1

# make the default decor the default:
Style "default-style" UseDecor default-decor, Color black/darkgrey
Style "*" UseStyle default-style

Style "*" BorderWidth 6
Style "*" HandleWidth 6
Style "*" MWMBorder
Style "*" MWMDecor
Style "*" DecorateTransient
Style "*" SmartPlacement
Style "*" RandomPlacement
Style "*" IconBox 0 -50 -0 -0
#Style "*" IconBox 0 0 50 -1

Style "Fvwm*" NoTitle
Style "Fvwm*" WindowListSkip
Style "Fvwm*" CirculateSkip

Style "FvwmButtons" Sticky
Style "FvwmIconMan" Sticky
Style "FvwmPager"   Sticky, StaysOnTop, Handles, HandleWidth 5

Style "FvwmIdent" Title
Style "FvwmIdent" WindowListHit
Style "FvwmIdent" CirculateHit

#Path to icons colon ":" separated
PixmapPath /usr/share/icons:/usr/share/icons/mini

# Add icons to some common programs
# Definicie ikoniek
Style "emacs"	Icon gnu-animal.xpm
Style "xterm"	Icon xterm-linux.xpm
Style "rxvt"	Icon term.xpm
Style "ghostview"  Icon gv.xpm
Style "Gnuplot"	Icon graphs.xpm
Style "xcalc"	Icon xcalc.xpm
Style "xbiff"	Icon mail1.xpm
Style "xman"	Icon xman.xpm
Style "xmag"	Icon mag_glass.xpm
Style "Mosaic"     Icon Mosaic.xpm
Style "xpaint"     Icon xpaint.xpm
Style "Manual Page" Icon xman.xpm
Style "xedit"      Icon textedit.xpm
Style "*"	Icon unknown1.xpm

# Section: Init, restart and exit functions

# This section defines the functions InitFunction and RestartFunction.
# InitFunction is executed automatically when fvwm first starts.
# RestartFunction is executed automatically when fvwm restarts itself.
# They share a common hook, init-restart.hook, and two specific hooks,
# init.hook and restart.hook.
# init-restart.hook should be used for starting fvwm modules, such as the
# button bar.  init-hook should be used to start other applications; they
# should not be started again, when fvwm is restarted, since they don't
# die like fvwm modules do.  restart.hook exists mostly for completeness;
# tell me if you find any use for it.
#	+ "I" Exec xterm

DestroyMenu InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction
#nastavenie farby pozadia
+ "I" Exec xsetroot -solid grey51

#co robit ked restartuje ako vidno nic
DestroyMenu RestartFunction
AddToFunc RestartFunction

#Funkcie ktore by sme volali na koniec
#AddToFunc ExitFunction
#+ "I" Exec exec rm -f $HOME/.xsession-errors

# Section: Menus

# This section defines a small menu structure.  The main menu contains
# some typical entries, and uses a hook (main-menu.hook) to allow the
# user to add new entries.  Most of the default entries are submenus,
# which are also defined here.

# MWM style menus are easier to use and better for Windows refugees.

MenuStyle black grey white -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-* mwm

# Read in system and user menu definitions.

# Read system and user menu prefixes
# Toto je hlavne menu Top
AddToMenu Top
+ "Main Menu" Title
+ "Rxvt"	Exec exec rxvt -fg white -geometry 85x35+5+5 -ls -fn -biznet-courier-medium-r-normal--14-100-100-100-m-90-iso8859-2
+ "Xterm"	Exec exec xterm -fg green -geometry 85x35+5+5 -ls -fn -biznet-courier-medium-r-normal--14-100-100-100-m-90-iso8859-2
+ ""		Nop
+ "Programs"	Popup Programs
+ ""		Nop
+ "Modules"	Popup Module-Popup

# Tack a quit entry on to the end
AddToMenu Top
+	""			Nop
+	"Exit Fvwm"		Popup Quit-Verify

# The Window-Ops menu is for manipulating windows.  It is invoked either
# from the main menu, or directly from the root window.

DestroyMenu Window-Ops
AddToMenu Window-Ops
+ "Window Ops"			Title		
+ "Move"			Move
+ "Resize"			Resize
+ "Raise"			Raise
+ "Lower"			Lower 
+ "(De)Iconify"			Iconify
+ "(Un)Stick"			Stick		
+ "(Un)Shade"			WindowShade
+ "(Un)Maximize vertical"	Maximize 0 100
+ "(Un)Maximize horizontal"	Maximize 100 0
+ "(Un)Maximize to screen" 	Maximize 100 100
+ ""				Nop
+ "ScrollBar"			Module FvwmScroll 2 2
+ ""				Nop
+ "Destroy"			Destroy
+ "Close"			Close	 

# Quit-Verify checks that the user really wants to exit.

DestroyMenu Quit-Verify
AddToMenu Quit-Verify
+ "Restart Fvwm"	Restart fvwm2
+ ""			Nop
+ "Really quit"		Quit	

DestroyMenu Module-Popup
AddToMenu Module-Popup
+ "Modules"		Title
+ "&Fvwm2Banner" /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmBanner
+ "Fvwm&Audio" /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmAudio
+ "Fvwm&Backer" /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmBacker
+ "F&vwmButtons" /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmButtons DebianFvwmButtons
+ "Fvwm&Cascade" /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmCascade
+ "FvwmC&onf" /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmConf
+ "Fvwm&IconBox" /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmIconBox
+ "FvwmIcon&Man" /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmIconMan
+ "FvwmId&ent" /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmIdent
#To FvwmPager nakonci toho riadku mu explicitne povie aky Style pouzit ... asi ...
+ "Fvwm&Pager" /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmPager 0 0 FvwmPager
+ "Fvwm&Save" /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmSave
+ "FvwmSave&Desk" /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmSaveDesk
+ "Fvwm&Talk" /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmTalk
+ "FvwmTi&le" /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmTile
+ "Fvwm&WinList" /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmWinList

#reading the wmconfig output here. wmconfig is RedHat specific.
#wmconfig --output=fvwm2 --rootmenu Programs > .fvwm2rc.programs
AddToMenu Programs "Programs" Title
Read .fvwm2rc.programs

# Section: Mouse bindings

# This section defines the mouse bindings, that is, all the things that
# can be done with the mouse.

# Each button gives a different menu from the background.

Mouse 1	R A Menu Top
Mouse 2	R A Menu Window-Ops
Mouse 3	R A WindowList

# Moving and resizing, depending on which part of the window
# you grab (T=title bar, S=side/top/bottom, F=corner).

Mouse 0 T A move-and-raise-or-raiselower
Mouse 0 W M move-and-raise-or-raiselower
Mouse 0 F A resize-or-raiselower
Mouse 0 S A resize-or-raiselower

# Move or de-iconify an icon.

Mouse 0 I A move-or-winmenu-or-deiconify

# Buttons on the title bar (1,3,5,7,9 are on the left, 0,8,6,4,2 on
# the right side of the title bar).  Note that the bindings here
# make more sense if the ButtonStyle's defined earlier are retained.

Mouse 0 1 A Popup Window-Ops
Mouse 0 2 A Close
Mouse 0 4 A Maximize 0 100
Mouse 0 6 A Iconify

# Section: Key bindings

# This section binds some actions to keys.  The bindings have been inspired
# by MWM, Windows, and nightmares.  Everything that these key bindings do,
# can be done without them.  Therefore they should not be too much of a
# burden on new users, but it definitely _can_ be confusing to press a
# key by accident and have it do something completely unexpected.

Key Tab		A	M	Next [CurrentPage !iconic] focus-and-raise
Key Tab		A	MS	Prev [CurrentPage !iconic] focus-and-raise
Key Tab		A	CM	Next [CurrentPage] deiconify-and-focus
Key Tab		A	CMS	Prev [CurrentPage] deiconify-and-focus
Key Left	A	M	Scroll -100 0
Key Up		A	M	Scroll +0 -100
Key Right	A	M	Scroll +100 +0
Key Down	A	M	Scroll +0 +100
#Toto nam naskace kam budeme chciet ked puzijeme Alt+F?
Key F1		A	M	GotoPage 0 0
Key F2		A	M	GotoPage 1 0
Key F3		A	M	GotoPage 2 0
Key F4		A	M	GotoPage 0 1
Key F5		A	M	GotoPage 1 1
Key F6		A	M	GotoPage 2 1
Key F7		A	M	GotoPage 0 2
Key F8		A	M	GotoPage 1 2
Key F9		A	M	GotoPage 2 2
#Key F10 	A	M	Maximize
#Toto by malo loknut screen okamzite
Key F12		A	N	Exec exec xscreensaver-command -lock

# Section: Functions

# This section defines various functions.  Not all of these are used by
# the default bindings, but they can be useful for a user who wants to
# customize things.
# The following functions operate on a window or menu.  The
# names are systematic: foo means "do foo"; foo-or-bar means
# "do foo, if mouse is moving, bar if click"; and foo-or-bar-or-baz
# adds "baz, if double-clicked".

DestroyFunc move-or-winmenu-or-deiconify
AddToFunc   move-or-winmenu-or-deiconify
+ "M" Move
+ "C" Popup Window-Ops
+ "D" Iconify

DestroyFunc deiconify-and-focus
AddToFunc   deiconify-and-focus "I" Iconify -1
+ "I" Focus

DestroyFunc deiconify-and-raise
AddToFunc   deiconify-and-raise "I" Iconify -1
+ "I" Raise

DestroyFunc focus-and-raise
AddToFunc   focus-and-raise "I" Focus
+			    "I" Raise

DestroyFunc move-or-raiselower	
AddToFunc   move-or-raiselower	
+ "M" Move
+ "C" RaiseLower

DestroyFunc move-and-raise-or-raiselower	
AddToFunc   move-and-raise-or-raiselower	
+ "M" Move
+ "M" Raise
+ "C" RaiseLower

DestroyFunc move-or-raiselower-or-maximize-vertical
AddToFunc   move-or-raiselower-or-maximize-vertical
+ "M" Move
+ "C" RaiseLower
+ "D" Maximize 0 100

DestroyFunc resize-or-raiselower	
AddToFunc   resize-or-raiselower	
+ "M" Resize
+ "C" RaiseLower

# Secton Modules Config & Startup

# Configure a FvwmButtons module for the modules menu, but make sure
# user can easily override it with their own - so name it DebianFvwmButtons.
# To use this config, you need to invoke it as:
#   "Module FvwmButtons DebianFvwmButtons"
*DebianFvwmButtonsFore White
*DebianFvwmButtonsBack DarkSlateGrey
*DebianFvwmButtonsGeometry 430x100-0-0
*DebianFvwmButtonsRows 1
*DebianFvwmButtons(Title Help, Icon xman.xpm, Action 'Exec "Xman" xman &')
*DebianFvwmButtons(Title xterm, Icon xterm.xpm, Action 'Exec "XTerm" xterm &')
*DebianFvwmButtons(Title emacs, Icon gnu-animal.xpm, Action 'Exec "Emacs" emacs &')
*DebianFvwmButtons(2x1, Swallow(UseOld,NoKill) "FvwmPager")

# Configure the FvwmPager module
*FvwmPagerBack SlateGrey
*FvwmPagerFore Black
*FvwmPagerFont none
*FvwmPagerHilight SlateBlue4
*FvwmPagerGeometry   -2-0
*FvwmPagerSmallFont -*-times-medium-r-*-*-*-80-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmPagerDeskTopScale 32

# Now start pager
Module FvwmPager 0 0

#nastavenie pozadia pre xdm
edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup
add line
xsetroot -solid royalblue