emerge --search 
emerge --pretend 
#system wide update New use/Deep copy/update/verbose/ask
emerge --pretend -NDuva world

emerge --oneshot #like normal emerbe nut does not record a package in world file fro updating
emerge --noreplace #will not rebuild packages that are already installed

equery l  #list installed packes belonging to
equery u  #list use flags for the package
equery b /path/to/file #list packages that could own the file in question
equery f  #list files belonging to package
#upddate for 2006.0
emerge --buildpkgonly --nodeps shadow && emerge -C pam-login && emerge --usepkgonly shadow
#mtimes problem fix
touch /etc/init.d/*; /sbin/depscan.sh --update

#security thingies
#check for updates [N] are the ones we worry about
glsa-check -nl |grep " \[N\] "
glsa-check -d 200609-17 #shows details about the advisory

#start stop daemons
#go to
starting / stopping folders and fix whatever needs to be fixed

#upgrading to a certain version of a package
emerge --oneshot -a "=dev-java/sun-jdk-"

#the same for older packages
emerge -av =net-irc/hexchat-2.9.3

#seeing what dependencies are broken
rm -rf rm -rf /root/.revdep-rebuild*
revdep-rebuild --pretend
#then you can manually decide what and how to upgrade

#seeing what all files are used by a certain package
equery f x11-libs/qt
#this above will also show all the other revisions of the above package that may be installed

#show all the categories fro kde-base app-portage/udept ~amd64
dep -C kde-base

#instalacia eix (rychly vyhladavac)
emerge eix

#ukaze vsetko co sa zacina s qt
eix --only-names -I qt-

#mozno pouzit na odinstalaciu
 emerge -pv --depclean $(eix --only-names -I qt)   # <- ukaze co by sa stalo
emerge -Ca  $(eix --only-names -I qt)