PostgreSQL mini howto vytvorenie uzivatela createuser znicenie uzivatela destroyuser vytvorenie DB createdb pristup cez siet postmastera spustiti s parametrom -i a upravit subor /var/lib/pgsql/pg_hba.conf ktory je v podstate hosts.allow pre pgsql pozrenie si uzivatelov sucnut sa ako postgres super-user (zvyc. postgres) psqlselect * from pg_user ; pozrenie si permissnov na \z pozrenie si vseob helpu \? pozrenie si syntaxu sql \h vylistuje sys tabulky \dS o zadavani prikazov a importe/exporte dat you can use *.sql files in this dir using \i in psql text file containing data you wish to copy to table on sql server has to be on host where the sql server is e.g to create sample table in your db you just have to do this \i crtable.sql \i copydat.sql file containing something like this will create db CREATE TABLE Employees ( Last text, First text, Job_Title text, Department text, EMail text, Phone text ); file containing something like this will fill db with data copy employees from '/home/jakub/www/html/db/employees.txt' using delimiters ';' ; #tento ukaze vsetko co je v pg_class a nie je systemove 'pg_' a nie je index #to su prakticky vsetky ostatne tabulky aj objekty select relname from pg_class where not relname~'pg_.*' and not relkind ='i'; Now bit of SQL Queries having table rad like +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------+ | Field | Type | Length| +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------+ | id | int4 not null | 4 | | name | text | var | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------+ Index: rad_pkey with values id|name --+------ 1|ahoj1 2|ahoj2 3|ahoj3 4|ahoj4 5|ahoj5 7|ahoj7 8|ahoj8 9|ahoj9 13|ahoj13 14|ahoj14 15|ahoj15 16|ahoj16 17|ahoj17 (13 rows) select from rad a where not exists (select from rad b where = +1); vyberie vsetky id ktore nemaju nad sebou pokracovanie select from rad a where not exists (select from rad b where = +1); vyberie toho pokracovatela kt neni nefungovala history v psql pi.. kur.. jak som sa s tym dlho je... preco ?!? preco ??! no lebo pouzivaju na to readline library rpm -ivh readline-devel (pochopitelne aj readline ako taky) kompilovanie jdbc zo 7.1.3 src aj ked server je 7.0.2 adresar jdbc zo src/interfaces vpodstate treba upravit Makefile ja som len zmenil vrchnu cast *** Makefile Sat Oct 6 04:17:59 2001 --- Makefile.bak Sat Oct 6 02:14:42 2001 *************** *** 9,26 **** #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #subdir = src/interfaces/jdbc ! #top_builddir = ../../.. ! #include $(top_builddir)/src/ ! #majorversion := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed 's/^\([0-9][0-9]*\)\..*$$/\1/') ! #minorversion := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed 's/^[0-9][0-9]*\.\([0-9][0-9]*\).*$$/\1/') ! ANT=$(HOME)/bin/ant ! properties := -Dmajor=7 -Dminor=0 \ ! -Dfullversion=7.0.2 \ ! -Ddef_pgport=5432 all: ! $(ANT) -verbose -logfile blog.log -buildfile build.xml $(properties) install: installdirs --- 9,25 ---- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subdir = src/interfaces/jdbc ! top_builddir = ../../.. ! include $(top_builddir)/src/ ! majorversion := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed 's/^\([0-9][0-9]*\)\..*$$/\1/') ! minorversion := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed 's/^[0-9][0-9]*\.\([0-9][0-9]*\).*$$/\1/') ! properties := -Dmajor=$(majorversion) -Dminor=$(minorversion) \ ! -Dfullversion=$(VERSION) \ ! -Ddef_pgport=$(DEF_PGPORT) all: ! $(ANT) -buildfile $(top_srcdir)/build.xml $(properties) install: installdirs ------------ TRANSACTIONS default READ COMMITTED na zobrazenie pouziva sa SHOW TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL; BEGIN; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE; SELECT UPDATE SELECT --and we still see only work we have done noone elses END; if one serialized transaction deletes a record and commites and the other one tries to update it we'll see update foolist set text = 'jakub' where id = 21; ERROR: Can't serialize access due to concurrent update ------------ ------------ INTERESTING QUERY WITH SUBSELECT CREATE TABLE "persons" ( "pid" int4 NOT NULL, "name" character varying(200) ); CREATE TABLE "messages" ( "mid" int4 NOT NULL, "pid" int4 NOT NULL, "text" character varying(200) ); COPY "persons" FROM stdin; 1 name1 2 name2 \. COPY "messages" FROM stdin; 1 1 sprava1 2 1 sprava2 3 1 sprava3 4 2 sprava4 \. select pid,name,(select count(*) from messages m where = ) as msg_count from persons p; pid | name | msg_count -----+-------+----------- 1 | name1 | 3 2 | name2 | 1 MORE alter table persons add msg_count int4; update persons set msg_count = (select count(*) from messages m where =; select * from persons; pid | name | msg_count -----+-------+----------- 1 | name1 | 3 2 | name2 | 1 ------------ #some updates to add a column alter table ntool_newsletters add column subject varchar(255); update pg_attribute set attnotnull = 't' where attname = 'from_email' and attrelid = (select oid from pg_class where relname = 'ntool_newsletters'); csv straight from postgres psql -t -A -F"," -c "select id,name from big_data where date_created >= '2014-12-01 00:00:00' and date_created <= '2015-01-14 23:59:59' order by date_created" > report.csv better to set -F field separator to \t depending if your text data could contain the separator #To see query activity SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;